Ruchika Wason Singh


Ruchika Wason Singh (India)
Womb Bloom I (2004)
Graphite (on handmade Indian paper)


Womb Bloom I is part of Transit Spaces, a project which I began in 2002 and which focuses on the expression of maternal embodiment. The initiation of the project coincided with my becoming aware of my first pregnancy and continued well after my daughter Meher (now thirteen years of age) was born. Through a metaphorical interpretation borrowed from the world of biology and botany (both of which also suggest the processes of birth and growth) Womb Bloom I shows a hybrid form. The physicality and the generative aspects of the womb and the tree are my prime concerns. My experience is physical and emotional, but my expression of it is non-representational.

As part of the changes in my moods during pregnancy, I developed a liking towards gardening. This connection with botanical forms undergoing the same generative process is a possible association, though not a conscious one.

My works all stem from human experiences, but the human figure or the body through which the experiences take place is usually absent as a visual form. The binaries of the womb-like-tree/tree-like-womb allow me to express myself, yet I am free of the conscious awareness of the experience during the process of creation.”

Dr. Ruchika Wason Singh is a visual -artist, academic and researcher based in New Delhi, India. Her work has been exhibited all over the world.