Universities: Medical Schools

DIEP offers a number of academic workshops and study modules which incorporate outstanding works of international art on a variety of early parenthood experiences with the aim to to encourage (future) doctors and other medical and (mental) health professionals to contemplate their wider role and responsibility in the outcome of early parenthood experiences and associated inter-generational consequences.


We currently offer the following four Medical Humanities’ modules/study units to medical schools for students of various year groups that have an interest in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry or General Practice. 


A study module aimed at encouraging medical students to contemplate how – in the context of the patient care – their power far exceeds their medical skills and scientific knowledge, and what this means in terms of their future role and responsibility in early parenthood experiences and outcomes.


A study module which explores and examines the social, cultural and environmental factors that play a key part in the changing role of the medical profession in relation to 21st century pregnancy, birth and parenting choices.


Autism is the fastest growing and arguably the most divisive neurological developmental disorder of the 21st century. Part speed course in philosophy, media study, bias training and art class, this study module will inform as well as challenge students’ ideas about autism from a medical, social, public and personal aspect.


Using a broad range of topical medical conundrums, this module/study unit
will help students identify the good and bad sides of the relationship between medicine and the media. In doing so they will gain a deeper understanding of their own bias, how to be empathic towards others’ (patients’) perspectives and the importance of providing optimum patient care to all people whatever their ideas and background stories.

Sample Student Feedback:

“It has encouraged me to think about the power that I hold simply by having the title of doctor. It has shown me that there is great importance in empowering my patients and being aware of ways in which I may dis-empower my patients, even unintentionally.”

“I don’t think I started this considering its personal impact on me. However, out of all the projects I have undertaken at medical school, this has probably had the greatest impact on my belief system.”

“It made me think about a career in obstetrics – looking at the artwork produced by women and researching the history of obstetrics and current issues has been inspiring, as it drives me to want to better the care women receive.”