The Digital Institute for Education on Parenthood’s (DIEP) medical humanities based modules and workshops use great works of art, outstanding research and a pioneering teaching approach to:
– help medical students and midwifery students understand their impact on mothers’ and fathers’ pregnancy, birth and parenthood experiences.
– teach college students about the reality behind the cultural portrayal of important aspects of conception, pregnancy, birth and parenthood.
“This has encouraged me to think about the power that I hold simply by having the title of doctor. It has shown me that there is great importance in empowering my patients and being aware of ways in which I may dis-empower my patients, even unintentionally.” – Year 4 Medical Student
“I don’t think I started this (study unit) considering its personal impact on me. However, out of all the projects I have undertaken at medical school, this has probably had the greatest impact on my belief system.” – Year 4 Medical Student
“I went on a schooltrip to the Tate in London last week – all I can say is that I enjoyed this workshop a lot more” – College Student, male, age 16
“I had my doubts about the subject matter, but was really impressed with the depth and clarity of work”
– College Teacher
Become an Associate Artist of DIEP

Work made or written by artists during pregnancy or in their child(ren)’s early years about their new parenthood experiences, uniquely documents a period in life that is at once the most intensely felt and yet the least likely to be accurately captured by long-term memory. This is why DIEP places...Read More »
Wanted: Associate Researchers

DIEP is developing an independent Research Programme to address various potential missing links in existing studies of early parenthood. If you are an academic or independent researcher and feel your work or ideas fit in with and/or contribute significantly to DIEP‘s objectives, you may want to apply to become one...Read More »
DIEP Artist In Residence 2018: Cally Hayes, Documental Theatre

DIEP is delighted to present its new Artist In Residency programme. Selected for this year is Exeter based writer Cally Hayes and her company Documental Theatre.
As part of the residency, DIEP will provide the artist with developmental and promotional support where required for work touring or being developed during...Read More »
DIEP at the 2018 Birth Trauma Conference

On Friday 5th January DIEP’s Founding Director Mila Oshin will be presenting a lecture performance at the 2018 Birth Trauma Conference at the BARTS Health NHS Trust’s Education Academy in London. Other speakers on the day include Dr Andrew Mayers, Dr Susan Ayers, Dr Sally Pezarro, Milli Hill and many...Read More »
Performing Parenthood at Oxytocin Symposium

Performing Parenthood will be screened in full at the Oxytocin Symposium at the Royal College of Art on Sat 3rd June 2017, where DIEP Director Mila Oshin will also be premiering her Wombanifesto.
Performing Parenthood takes you on a journey through 21st century early parenthood via the work of 12 outstanding...Read More »
'The New Man'; a new film by DIEP Associate Artists Josh Appignanesi and Devorah Baum

**** The Guardian
**** Time Out
**** The ObserverThose of you who follow DIEP on social media will know that we are slightly obsessed with this groundbreaking new film, The New Man. We’re not the only ones. The UK media has given it rave reviews across the board, already making...Read More »
'ISIS, Art and Fatherhood'; a DIEP talk by Lebanon based British painter Chris Anthem

This inspiring new artist talk by Lebanon based British painter (and DIEP Associate Artist) Chris Anthem gives a unique insight into how the combined impact of new parenthood and living in a warzone transformed this artist’s practice, while providing an illustrated history of his stunning work so far. Please click on...Read More »